Saturday, 10 February 2018

ICT & ITU Cyber security Activities


The information and communication technologies (ICT) networks, devices and services are increasingly critical for day-to-day life. In 2016, almost half the world used the Internet (3.5 billion users)1 and according to one estimate, there will be over 12 billion machine-to-machine devices connected to the Internet by 20202 . Yet, just as in the real world, the cyber world is exposed to a variety of security threats that can cause immense damage.

                The global community is increasingly embracing ICTs as key enabler for social and economic development. Governments across the world recognize that digital transformation has the power to further the prosperity and wellbeing of their citizens. In supporting this transformation, they also recognize that cybersecurity must be an integral and indivisible part of technological progress.
                 With increasing cyber attacks on industries across the globe, the demand for cyber security and cyber crime professionals has never been higher.
                  A fundamental role of ITU, based on the guidance of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, is to build confidence and security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
At WSIS, Heads of States and world leaders entrusted ITU to be the Facilitator of Action Line C5, "Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs", in response to which ITU launched, in 2007, the Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA), as a framework for international cooperation in this area.
  1. National CIRT Programme

The absence of institutional structures to deal with cyber incidents and attacks resulting in fraud or the destruction of information, is a genuine problem in responding to cyber threats.
  1. Global Cybersecurity Index

The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) is a project to measure the cybersecurity capabilities of nation states and hence enable informed decisions to foster a global culture of cybersecurity.
  1. CHILD Online Protection (COP)
COP has been established as an international collaborative network for action to promote the online protection of children worldwide.
  1. National Strategies

A clear roadmap agreeable to all stakeholders must be devised to ​effectively enhance national cybersecurity capacity.​​
  1. Standardizing Security

ITU-T's Study Group 17 is responsible for building confidence and security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes studies of several technologies with regards to cybersecurity.
  1. Securing Radiocommunications
ITU-R established clear security principles for IMT (3G and 4G) networks. It has also issued recommendations on security issues in network management architecture for digital satellite systems and performance enhancements of transmission control protocol over satellite 

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